Intertextuality seems to be Alan Moore’s trademark. In his most famous comic books and graphic novels, such as V for Vendetta, Watchmen, Lost Girls or The League of Extraordinary Gentelmen, he often refers to other text of highbrow and lowbrow culture. Therefore a certain level of cultural competency is demanded to decode various messages hidden by the British writer. In V for Vendetta intertextuality is employed to convey certain political and ideological messages in a more subtle and indirect way. Through various allusions and quotations Moore aims at underlining particular ideas or observations about a condition of the depicted society as well as political clash between fascist state and its anarchist enemy. Intertextual references are also employed in the graphic sphere of the comic book. It is the aim of the presentation to show how intertextuality can influence the complexity of the graphic novel’s message and be utilized for indirect transmission of political and social ideas.
Konferencja: Comics in Culture / Culture in Comics.
Miejsce i czas: Warszawa, 3 czerwca 2016.
Organizatorzy: SWPS Uniwersytet Humanistycznospołeczny.